Why Should You Never Ignore to Take Care of Your Dog’s Teeth: The Pets Pampering

by The Pets Pampering
dog dentures

Can your dog get dentures? As strange as it may sound, dogs’ teeth also fall out and they need extra help to chew and eat. Much like human dentures, doggy dentures, dog dental bridges are the most common replacement method. The procedure might sound strange or even painful, but read on to find out more in this article and see if it sounds right for your dog.

But dogs and cats do get old, whether we like it or not. And although it’s beautiful seeing animals play as puppies and kittens, seeing them as old dogs and cats is just plain sad. It makes us want to “fix” old dogs’ pets into their youthful selves again. This got me thinking of how far dentistry has come over the last century. So doggy dentures are real. 

What are doggy dentures?

A dog’s dentures are more commonly known as “false teeth” and they replace missing teeth. A complete set of dentures fill the dog’s mouth when a dog has lost most or all its teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by one or more missing teeth.

Dentures are acrylic-made, although some false teeth may also be of metal. To make dentures, they take the dog’s mouth impression and use it to create a model. The doggy dentures come from this model. The entire process usually takes several weeks and requires multiple dental visits.

Dog dentures cost

Dogs need dentures because they can’t brush their own teeth. This is especially true for dogs that live in a home environment, where they have access to human food that’s high in carbohydrates and low in fibre.

People who have had to get dentures know there are a variety of reasons why you would need them. The most obvious one is you lose your teeth due to wear and tear or periodontal disease. It’s the same thing for dogs.

But did you know that dogs can also wear dentures for cosmetic purposes?

When it comes to dental problems in dogs, the most common ones are tooth fractures, fractured roots, fractured jaws, fractured teeth and periodontal disease (also called gum disease). Like us, they can develop cavities and plaque buildup, too, which can lead to bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. If a dog doesn’t take care of his teeth, he may need a dental cleaning or even a tooth extraction.

Some dogs have trouble keeping their teeth in tip-top shape because of an issue with the way their jaws have formed. If your dog has missing or misaligned teeth.

These problems arise from poor oral hygiene such as not brushing your dog’s teeth regularly. Gum disease in dog pets can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. So, if your dog has bad breath or bleeding gums, then it might be time to take him/her to the vet for a check-up!

Dentures are mostly only for dogs that have lost many teeth due to old age or disease; they’re not usually necessary for young dogs that have lost a few teeth due to an injury or accident.

How are dentures made for dogs?

There are several ways to make doggy dentures. The most common method is to use a flexible rubber mould of the dog’s mouth and teeth. The mould is filled with plaster, then fed through a machine that shapes the plaster into a replica of the dog’s teeth. The next step is to apply a clear coating over the entire dental appliance, which protects it from saliva and other bodily fluids during wear.

Once this coating has dried, the dentist will trim away any excess plastic from around the rim of the appliance before placing it in your dog’s mouth and securing it with adhesive strips or tape.

The dentist may need to trim your dog’s bottom canine teeth so they don’t stick out over top of his or her upper lip when wearing these appliances.

Doggy dentures can wear out on a full-time basis use, or just used occasionally as needed such as when eating hard foods that require more chewing effort than normal; such as when playing fetch with tennis balls or sticks that might break off pieces of tooth enamel if chewed on too hard (excessive chewing could lead to tooth fractures).

What is the prognosis for dogs with dentures?

Dogs can adapt to having dentures in their mouth, just like humans can. If you’re able to keep the denture clean and free of debris, your dog will be able to eat and have a good quality of life.

However, dogs are not always able to wear dentures full time. If a dog’s mouth becomes sore or the gums become inflamed, remove the dentures so that the gum tissue can heal.  If you are considering having your dog fitted for this special oral appliance, discuss your concerns with your veterinarian and have realistic expectations regarding outcomes.

Can you tell how old a dog is by looking at its teeth?

The answer is yes — and no. No, you can’t tell exactly how old your dog is, but yes, you can get a rough idea of his age based on his teeth. Like us, dogs do have baby teeth and adult teeth. And like humans, dogs have a set of 28 baby teeth that fall out when their adult teeth come in.

But unlike humans, dogs don’t have a full set of molars until they’re around 2 years old. So, if you see molars in your dog’s mouth, he’s at least 2 years old.

It’s also important to note that dogs lose their baby teeth at different ages. Some may start losing them as early as 4 months old while others may hold onto them until they reach 6 months old. So, while it’s a good rule of thumb to use, it’s not something you want to take as gospel!

So, what happens if you find an older dog and his teeth have worn down? He could be older than he looks — or he could just be chewing on rocks!

dog dentures
dog teeth

What are the advantages and disadvantages of doggy dentures?

  • Improved health: Having teeth extracted can improve your dog pet’s overall health. Bacteria from inflamed or infected gums can travel throughout the body and cause problems in kidneys and liver, if they enter the bloodstream.
  • Better quality of life: Your pet will be able to eat properly again, which not only means he or she will get the nutrients needed for a healthy life, but will also enjoy food again. Dog pets that don’t like their food often lose weight and become lethargic when they can no longer eat as well as they used to.
  • Longer life span: A healthier mouth could lead to a longer life for your dog pet, especially if your pet is elderly or has other medical conditions. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics before the tooth extraction to make sure there isn’t any infection in your pet’s mouth that could affect other areas of the body.
  • They are difficult to put on and take off: If you have a dog that tends to fight back, it might be hard to get them on and off. Some dogs will vomit from the strong odour of the resin used to make the impressions. 
  • Getting canine dental crowns isn’t cheap: A typical crown costs between $150-$200 per tooth and a pet owner can replace them every few years or so (you might have to replace them more often if your dog has an aggressive chewing habit).
  • Some vets believe that they can be harmful to the dog’s gum: When they take off the dentures, it can damage their gum or hurt them when they are chewing food. Vets also state that dogs would have a hard time adapting to wearing dentures.

Dog Partial Dentures Minimize Mobility Issues

Partial dentures can shift around in your mouth, especially if you have other missing teeth that affect their fit. Fortunately, the fitting process allows us to take these issues into account so your partial dentures will be as comfortable as possible. If mobility is a concern, we may suggest dental implants to help keep your partial dentures in place.

How much do doggy dentures cost here in USA?

There are two options when it comes to getting doggy dentures: removable doggy dentures, or Doggie Dentures that are in place. The cost of both types of dentures varies depending on which one you choose. In most cases, the price of doggy dentures ranges anywhere from $500-$5,000. It all depends on what you want to do to get to fit the dog with the right type of denture.


The brief answer to the query are doggy dentures real is yes.  It’s common for older dogs to lose their teeth over time, and while you might be able to find some loose teeth in the yard or hear them rattling during a big shake, sometimes your pup will need some extra dental work. Luckily, if your vet thinks that a set of doggy dentures could be helpful, they can refer you to a dental specialist who works with animals and offer an opinion whether it’s right for your dog.


How much do doggy dentures cost?

The cost of doggy dentures varies widely and depends on several factors. The average cost of doggy dentures is $350-$1,000, but it can be much higher. A partial set usually costs around $350, while a full set can cost as much as $1,000. The materials used in the dentures and the number of teeth to replace affect the overall cost.

How Do You Know If Your Dog Needs Dentures?

Dogs need dentures when they have trouble eating due to missing or rotting teeth. If your pet’s teeth have fallen out or are too loose to allow him/her to chew properly, then it’s time to consider dentures for dogs.

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